Classroom Covid Protocols Posters | Cuidados Covid en Inglés
$4 USD
Buy thisPDF Imprimible con 18 afiches para poner en tu aula de clases con normas/medidas contra el Covid 100% en Inglés.
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Este es un producto descargable, NO SE ENTREGA NINGÚN PRODUCTO FÍSICO.
Dos tamaños disponibles: ¡carta y oficio! *¡También disponible en español aquí!*
Afiches incluidos:
- Wear a mask
- Keep a safe distance
- Wash your hands frequently
- Don't touch your face
- Cover coughs and sneezes with your arm or a tissue
- Use your own school supplies
- Greet your classmates for afar
- For now, you cannot share food
- Change your mask when you feel is wet or worn down
- Use hand sanitizer when you need it
- Remain in your desk
- When changing your mask, dispose the old one in a trash bin
- Use hand sanitizer when entering the classroom
- Do air hugs!
- Do air high fives!
- Your backpack must be on the back of your chair
- If you feel ill, notify your teacher
- We follow these rules to take care of ourselves and all our loved ones!
PDF Covid Safety Posters (Letter Size) (File .pdf)
PDF Covid Safety Posters (Legal Size) (File .pdf)